Duesenberg Z-Tuner, Oval Knobs

Duesenberg Z-Tuner, Oval Knobs
Duesenberg Z-Tuner, Oval Knobs
Duesenberg Z-Tuner, Oval Knobs
Duesenberg Z-Tuner, Oval Knobs

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  • 0452N
  • 69,00 €



    0452N Nickel
    De 1
    69,00 €
    • 6-left. Comfortable stringing and service-friendly technics! The strings are just put all through the tuner (see details for more info). For 10mm pegholes, 15:1 ratio. Mounting Screws and threaded hex bushings included.


      • 6-left
      • Required peghole: 10mm
      • Ratio: 15:1
      • String post lenght: 26mm
      • Distance from baseplate to string hole: 21,7mm
      • Weight per piece: 30g

    Push string all the way through the tuner shaft and cut off at the back. Pull back slightly into the housing to prevent any sharp ends sticking out of the tuner.

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